The one and only private art collection museum in Estonia
Museum halls show us more than 400 art works from Jaan Manitski's lush art collection covering Estonian art history from 19th century to modern day.
Enjoy the creations of hundreds of Estonian artists through the ages from the Baltic-German era and the Pallas school to the present day in the scenic old fishing village
Museum halls show us more than 400 art works from Jaan Manitski's lush art collection covering Estonian art history from 19th century to modern day.
Kunstisadama residentuur pakub kunstikule võimalust tutvuda Lahemaa ja Viinistu eluga ning samal ajal ka luua kunsti.
Residentuuri avamine kinnitab juba aastaid Viinistut saatvat missiooni – luua võimalused loomiseks.